Please enjoy an episode from the History Channel's series, Human Weapon which showcases the overall art of TaeKwonDo and its rich hertitage.
Martial Arts
The martial arts have grown out of a human need for self-defense. While Westerners tend to think of martial arts as Eastern, there are paintings on the tombs in Egypt dating back to 3000 B.C. demonstrating hand-and-foot fighting. From another Western cultural center of the ancient world, the Greek philosopher Plato mentions skiamachia, fighting without an opponent (analogous to our TaeKwonDo forms), combining skills from boxing and wrestling so that the whole body can be trained. Martial arts is about the strengthening of both body and mind to be disciplined.
"It's both humbling and gives me great pride to continue to pass along my knowledge of TaeKwonDo and it's rich traditions to future generations. I strive to continue to improve on my skills and knowledge in hopes it will make a lasting positive impact on my students, community, and those around me."
-E. Chang
The history of TaeKwonDo began roughly ten thousand years ago when the ancestors of the Korean people migrated from Central Asia to the peninsula that is now Korea. They relied mainly on hunting to survive, climbing rugged mountains, crossing strong rivers, and traveling along the seashore in their search for food. These rigors developed strong bodies, superior fighting skills, and a sense of teamwork. Historians theorize that, upon their return, the hunters would reenact their motions of kicking, punching, stabbing, and throwing, also recreating fighting scenes with neighboring tribes with whom they had fought during the hunt. A natural outgrowth of reenactments was practicing movements in order to refine and perfect the techniques and their skills. Through time, these techniques formalized into martial arts.
Formal martial arts training in Korea began approximately 4000 years ago, consisting of running (daligi), throwing (dunjiki), punching or striking (jileuki), kicking (balchaki) and swimming (soo young). Weapons were also employed and included the stone knife (dolkal), stone spear (dolchang), stones for throwing (doldunjiki), sand spreading (moraisul), and wooden pole (mok bong sul). Eventually, archery and horseback riding were incorporated.
In the 6th century A.D., the Silla Dynasty ruled the smallest of the three kingdoms of Korea and was under constant attack from its neighbors. During the reign of the twenty-fourth king of Silla, the young aristocrats and warriors formed an elite corps called the Hwa-Rang-Do based on the model of the Sunbi Warriors from Koguryo. Sunbi were considered intellectual warriors and were described as spending their days reading classical books and training Martial Arts day and night. To guide themselves and give a purpose to their knighthood, Hwa Rang Do Warriors adopted a five-point code of conduct set forth by their greatest monk and scholar, Wan Kany: 1) Loyalty to one’s country, 2) Loyalty to one’s parents, 3) Trust and brotherhood among friends, 4) Courage never to retreat in the face of the enemy, and 5) Justice never to take a life without cause. These students were also required to learn and live by the following Kwa Rang Do Nine Virtues: humanity, courtesy, trust and friendship, goodness, loyalty, honor, knowledge, courage and consciousness. The Hwa Rang-Do warriors became known for their courage and skill in battle, gaining respect from even their bitterest foes. From their victories, the Korean Peninsula was united.
TaeKwonDo warriors were taught to keep their minds and bodies in balance. They were taught to read and write and studied literature, painting, sculpture, dance, and musical instruments. The moo kwa (national examination for military officials) consisted of an actual martial arts contest and tests covering theory and strategy. The moo kwa produced military officials with both fighting knowledge and a good classical education. Our style of TKD echoes the ancient emphasis on mental development with a book club and required reading lists for rank and certification candidates, ensuring that its leaders gain greater insight through literature pertaining to the human experience. In the past, TaeKwonDo artists were known to be the kingdom or community members with the greatest skill and knowledge. They were expected to dedicate themselves to continuous training of the mind, body, and spirit (ki). This expectation continues today in our curriculum.
During the Koguryo Dynasty, martial arts flourished. However, by the Yi Dynasty, an anti-military posture was taken, debasing anything martial. The final blow was delivered by the Japanese occupation of Korea (1909 – 1945) when it was forbidden to practice any form of martial arts. However, Taek Kyon was secretly practiced and passed on to a handful of student. With the liberation of Korea in 1945 came the freedom to again openly practice martial arts. All of the present day TaeKwonDo Instructors can trace their beginnings to one of five Kwans: Chung Do Kwan, Song Moo Kwan, Ji Do Kwan, Moo Do Kwan, and Chang Moo Kwan. Grandmaster Lee Won-kuk, who founded Chung Do Kwan and developed the largest civilian gym, the Gym of the Blue Wave. Grandmaster Lee Won-kuk is thus the first to organize and found modern Korean TaeKwonDo. As the new Republic of Korea (ROK) Armed Forces became organized, Choi Hong Hi, an officer in this army, began to teach martial arts to his soldiers. Chung Do Kwan’s was the largest and the only gym whose ranks were recognized by General Choi when civilians became soldiers. Following years of research and development by General Choi, the Chang Hun style of TaeKwonDo , named for General Choi’s pseudonym, was developed. On 11 April 1955, a board of instructors from the different Kwans, historians, and other prominent persons selected Tae-Kwon-Do (foot – hand – art) as the new name of the national martial art of Korea.
After 10,000 years, this Korean martial art has reached full maturity, developing from tribal dances of the hunt to an art form practiced in more than sixty countries by millions of students. This combination of classical techniques and new modifications has resulted in a form of self-defense and mental conditioning unrivaled in the modern world. As General Choi Hong Hi said, “TaeKwonDo indicates the mental training and the techniques of unarmed combat for self defense as well as health, involving the skilled application of punches, kicks, blocks, and dodges with bare hands and feet, enabling the weak to possess a fine weapon together with the confidence to defend him or herself, and defeat the opponent.”
We continue to preserve the historic traditions of TaeKwonDo first conceived 4000 years ago by early artists, and recently revised by General Choi and Grand Master Won Kuk Lee. Grandmaster Lee was the teacher of many students who eventually assumed major positions within the martial arts community. Grandmaster Lee said that students must never forget to appreciate their teacher. At the same time, students should always strive to have better techniques and a higher moral character than the teacher. Grandmaster Lee compares this idea to an old saying: “The color green comes from the color blue, but the green color is brighter than the blue. The ice comes from water, but ice is colder than water.” In other words, the student is always better than his teacher. He believes that the martial arts will have a bright future if students live by these ideas. When a student does become better than his teacher, he must always remain humble and never forget to appreciate the techniques and moral code that he learned from his teacher. Once a student becomes a master, he should not forget that his position was a joint effort of both his and his teacher’s sweat. Without the teacher, he could have never reached the level of master just like there could be no ice without water and no green color without blue. As TKD artists we continue to develop the art of TaeKwonDo, providing leadership and instruction in an ancient discipline in this modern age. This contribution can be accomplished by teaching practitioners to strengthen their mind and body and to impact society honorably through the practice of TaeKwonDo.